Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Horizon Linux VM (pre-packaged) [Updated]

I'm excited to share what I've been working on the last several weeks. Recently I posted over on my Github a new project I'm working called Horizon Linux VM. It's a pre-packaged Ubuntu OVA that automates most of the customization and configuration needed for a Linux Desktop Template to be used in a VMware Horizon 7 environment. The project is now an official VMware Fling. 

Check out the Ubuntu OVA for Horizon on VMware Flings

In short, it's an OVA built from Ubuntu's mini.iso (to keep footprint down) that has the below key features (full changelog available on Github)

  • Built from Ubuntu’s mini.iso for a minimal footprint

  • Installs the MATE desktop environment

  • Downloads and installs the latest Open VM Tools packages

  • Installs Horizon Agent dependencies

  • Installs Winbind (optional)

  • Configures krb5.conf

  • Configures smb.conf

  • Joins the domain (optional)

  • Optimizes login screen for VDI

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Send Time Machine backups to a VM hosted in Windows

I've successfully configured Time Machine backups over my home network using VMware Workstation, Ubuntu, and a 1 TB WD drive. A big thanks to HowToGeek for their Raspberry Pi post for the inspiration and to Netatalk's Wiki. Here we go!

screen-shot-2016-11-03-at-8-44-29-am:: Prerequisites

  • Windows (using Windows 10 in this tutorial)

  • VMware Workstation (using 12.5 Pro)

  • Linux ISO (using Ubuntu 16.04 mini.iso)

  • Dedicated backup drive (using a 1TB WD) formatted as HFS+

  • macOS Seirra

:: Prepare your drive

Format your hard drive to be HFS+. This can be done by booting to any linux live disk and using gparted. You'll likely need to install hfsprogs and hfsplus to enable the formatting.

When attached to your Windows Host system, Windows won't mount this drive in Explorer, but you can still see it in Windows Disk Management to ensure it's working properly. Here it shows as Disk 0screen-shot-2016-11-02-at-9-22-21-pm

Choose a mount point that your backup server will use for the drive. I'll use /media/tm
Choose a user that will connect to your backup server from the Mac. <your-user>

Save these for later.

:: Setting up the dedicated backup server

I run my personal servers on a Windows 10 box under VMware Workstation. It's plain simple, easy to administer and maintain, and works great for home needs. Because I like dedicating my servers to individual VMs, I wanted a small VM to attach my 1 TB backup drive to - something with a small footprint as I won't need to interact with the OS much. This is why I chose to use Ubuntu's mini.iso

  1. In Workstation, create a new VM using the mini.iso. The only 'options' I chose to install with it were opensshserver for management, and samba (might use this in the future). My VM uses 512 MB of RAM and 1vCPU.

  2. Obtain HFS+ support by running
    sudo apt-get install hfsprogs hfsplus

  3. Let's take a moment to add our disk to the VM. I chose for my VM to have direct access to the physical disk as its primary purpose will be for backups.screen-shot-2016-11-02-at-9-25-48-pm

  4. Now boot the VM back up, and mount the drive
    sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sd* /media/tm

    You should also add this to /etc/fstab so it mounts properly at boot
    /dev/sd* /media/tm hfsplus force,rw,user,auto 0 0

  5. Setup permissions for your user that will connect to the server
    sudo chown -R root:users /media/tm
    sudo chmod -R g+rwx /media/tm
    sudo usermod -a -G users <your-user>

  6. Once that's done, follow Netatalk's Wiki on setting up v3.1.10 (current at time of writing) on Ubuntu 14.04 (my server is using Ubuntu 16.04 and I can attest it works). Here are the commands for reference:
    sudo apt-get install build-essential libevent-dev libssl-dev libgcrypt11-dev libkrb5-dev libpam0g-dev libwrap0-dev libdb-dev libtdb-dev libmysqlclient-dev avahi-daemon libavahi-client-dev libacl1-dev libldap2-dev libcrack2-dev systemtap-sdt-dev libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libglib2.0-dev libio-socket-inet6-perl tracker libtracker-sparql-1.0-dev libtracker-miner-1.0-dev


    tar -xf netatalk-3.1.10.tar.gz

    cd netatalk-3.1.10

    ./configure --with-init-style=debian-systemd --without-libevent --without-tdb --with-cracklib --enable-krbV-uam --with-pam-confdir=/etc/pam.d --with-dbus-sysconf-dir=/etc/dbus-1/system.d --with-tracker-pkgconfig-version=1.0


    sudo make install

  7. Now edit your /etc/nsswitch.conf and append mdns4 mdns to the end of the hosts file so it looks like this
    hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4 mdns

  8. Create the file /etc/avahi/services/afpd.service with the below contents
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone='no'?><!--*-nxml-*-->
    <!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd">
       <name replace-wildcards="yes">%h</name>

  9. Setup the Netatalk AFP File Server config file /usr/local/etc/afp.conf
     path = /home/<your-user>
     rolist = <your-user>
     mimic model = TimeCapsule6,106
    [Time Machine]
     path = /media/tm (or whatever your mount point is)
     time machine = yes

  10. Run the init scripts in this order
    sudo /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon start

    sudo service netatalk start
  11. Add services to default runlevels
    sudo update-rc.d avahi-daemon defaults
    sudo update-rc.d netatalk defaults

  12. Back on your Mac, add your Ubuntu machine to /etc/hosts
    x.x.x.x <ubuntu-hostname>

  13. At this point, you should be able to connect to the server via hostname. From Finder Window, press command+K and enter the server address afp://<ubuntu-hostname> 

  14. Open Time Machine Preferences and select the Time Machine disk
If you don't see your disk in Time Machine preferences, ensure that it was mounted as read/write on the backup server. Good luck!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Head over to the TAM Blog

Recently I posted an article over at VMware's TAM Blog about working around Kiosk Mode for an iPad using Horizon. Given there is no official Kiosk Mode for iPads, we work around this using a pre-determined username and password that all kiosk users would use. The iPad is then put into Guided Access mode to lock the iPad to the Horizon Client app. This configuration is likely best suited for use of a known set of users where individual profiles/accounts aren't necessary.

Head over to the VMware TAM blog to check it out and other great posts from the Technical Account Manager program!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Deploying Linux VDI Pools with Horizon 7 [Updated]

Interested in a pre-packaged Ubuntu OVA for Horizon 7? See my latest project here!

:: This post has been updated to included changes for Horizon 7.1 and Ubuntu 16.04. Any Horizon 7.1 specific callouts will be in GREEN ::

One of the more popular posts on That Virtual Boy has been Deploying Linux VDI Pools with Horizon 6. That post was written when Linux and VDI were just getting acquainted. Horizon has grown up a bit and we're now at Horizon version 7.0.2 which means we have plenty of new enhancements and capabilities to bring to the table. In this post, we're going to cover what has changed for Linux in Horizon since that last article, and then we'll dive right into the process of building out a Virtual Linux Desktop Infrastructure (VLDI? yeah.. I'm sticking with it!)


:: What's changed since the last article

  • No more 32bit Linux desktops. x64 Architecture is required.

  • Support for NVIDIA GRID vGPU, vSGA, RHEL 7.1 and Ubuntu 14.04

  • View Agent installation of JRE 8 is now automated

  • Blast Protocol changed from using port 5443 to 22443

  • Support for Clipboard Redirection (clipboard memory size also configurable)

  • Support for Single Sign On (SSO) >> Only for SLED, RHEL, and CentOS

  • Support for Smart Card Redirection with SSO

  • Support for SLED 11 SP3/SP4

  • Support for HTML Access 4.0.0 on Chrome

  • Support for CentOS 7.1

  • Support for SLES 12 SP1

  • Support to check dependency packages unique to your distro before installing the Horizon Agent

  • Support to use the Subnet option of /etc/vmware/viewagent-custom.conf to specify the subnet used for Linux Desktop connection with multiple subnets connected

  • Support for H.264 encoder software

  • Support for managed virtual machines (woot!)

  • Support for Horizon Client for iOS/Android (woot! woot!)

  • Support for Automated full-clone desktop pools (<insert triple woot!>)

  • RHEL 7.3, CentOS 7.3, SLED 12 SP2, and SLES 12 SP2 support

  • Linux Agent Single Sign On (SSO) for Ubuntu 14/16

  • Client Drive Redirection (CDR) available as tech preview

  • USB Redirection available on Ubuntu 14/16 as tech preview

  • Keyboard Layout/Locale Synchronization supported on Windows Client

VMware docs tell us that changes have been made in Horizon 7 to how Linux desktops are managed - they're now vCenter managed instead of UNmanaged desktops (Horizon 6). This will require us to perform one of two actions to our existing Linux Desktops:

  1. Upgrade to 7.0.2 and retain the unmanaged VM.

  2. Upgrade to 7.0.2 and convert the VM to a managed VM.

NOTE: Linux desktops still have to be deployed to a Manual Pool, similar to the process followed in my Horizon 6 post, unless creating an automated Full Clone pool which this article will cover.

:: Getting Started

Before jumping in, there are a few prerequisites that should be considered.

  1. Will your Linux Desktops be using 2D graphics or 3D graphics? Currently only RHEL 6.6/6.7/6.8 and 7.2 can utilize 3D graphics. See VMware Pubs for more info.

  2. Confirm supportability for your desired guest distro.

  3. Ensure vSphere is version 5.5 u3 (for Horizon 7.0.x), or 6.0 u2 (for Horizon 7.1) or later

  4. Best stick with the latest Horizon Client available for the client machines. See what's new with Horizon Client 4.2 here. (Latest Client Downloads Here)

  5. Verify Ports

  6. Verify recommended vCPU and vRAM sizing based on your configuration needs.

:: Preparing our Parent Image

Some call this the Golden Image, or the VDI Template.. I will refer to this as the Parent.

  1. First, create a new VM. We'll be using Ubuntu 14.04 x64. Notice my vRAM configuration. 10 MB is the minimum vRAM size recommendation for a machine that is configured with a single monitor at the lowest resolution.

  2. Make any necessary network configurations to gain network access, and ensure the VM is fully patched. You'll want to ensure you can ping your Connection Servers by FQDN.
    [gallery ids="1714,1712,1711" type="rectangular"]

  3. Now we'll install VMware Tools. Previously, we just mounted the ISO from ESXi and installed it. However, VMware now recommends installing Open VM Tools - a tools package managed through the OS's native packaging system. This is actually a much better way to manage Tools for Linux desktops. Follow along with the Ubuntu 14.04 Open VM Tools Guide Here. For Horizon 7.1 and Ubuntu 16.04, open-vm-tools-desktop is already in the Ubuntu repositories, so all you need to do is type 'apt-get install open-vm-tools-desktop' and skip the rest of this step.

    1. Starting at Step 2 from the guide, we download the VMware Package Keys in order to add the deployPkg Tools Plugin.

cd ~
mkdir vmw_pckg_keys
cd vmw_pckg_keys
wget -r --no-parent --reject "index.html*"

** Be sure to include the trailing  /  otherwise you'll be downloading everything from

Ensure you see both keys listed in your directory, then import them.
sudo apt-key add
sudo apt-key add

Create the tools-install.list by first going to su, then entering the data below
sudo su -
echo "deb precise main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vmware-tools/list

Then run apt-get update and install the package
# apt-get update && apt-get install open-vm-tools-dploypkg

Then either log out and back in, or reboot

You can verify your tools version by running
vmware-toolbox-cmd -v

:: System OS Tweaks

  1. Set Default Run Level to 5
    sudo vi /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf

    Change this line to runlevel 5


  2. On an Ubuntu machine that was configured to authenticate with an OpenLDAP server, set the fully qualified domain name on the machine.

  3. Edit the nsswitch.conf file to improve the VM's network outage recovery capability
    vi /etc/nsswitch.conf

    Change this line to
    hosts: cache db files dns

  4. Install Dependency Packages for Horizon Agent (Ubuntu 14.04)
    sudo dpkg -i ./indicator-session_12.10.5+15.04.20150327-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb
    Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 3.35.24 PM.png

For Ubuntu 16.04

apt-get install python-dbus python-gobject

:: Configure Ubuntu to Integrate with Active Directory

NOTE: I will be installing and using Winbind. A good reference for doing this can be found here. For Ubuntu 16.04 on Horizon 7.1, you will also need to install libnss-winbind and libpam-winbind
"With the Winbind solution, the step to join the domain will fail because each cloned VM has a different host name. Each cloned VM needs to run the following command to rejoin the domain" - so we will add this to our logon scripts. << Per Documentation

sudo /usr/bin/net ads join -U <domain user>%<domain password>

  1. Update /etc/hosts to include the Domain Server

  2. Edit /etc/krb5.conf to look like this
    ticket_lifetime = 600
    default_realm = YOURDOMAIN
    default_tkt_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 des-cbc-crc
    default_tgs_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 des-cbc-crc
    kdc = IP of your AD 
    default_domain = YOURDOMAIN
    .yourdomain = YOURDOMAIN
    yourdomain = YOURDOMAIN
    profile = /etc/krb5kdc/kdc.conf
    kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
    admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmin.log
    default = FILE:/var/log/krb5lib.log

Enter the following at the shell to test kerberos authentication:
kinit username@DOMAIN


Use the command klist to verify you received a ticket.
Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 4.08.55 PM.png

3. Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to look like below

workgroup = domainname
password server = hostname of domain controller
wins server = IP of wins server
realm = DOMAIN
security = ads
idmap uid = 16777216-33554431
idmap gid = 16777216-33554431
template shell = /bin/bash
winbind use default domain = false 
winbind offline logon = false
winbind separator = +
allow trusted domains = Yes

4. Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf once again to include winbind
passwd: compat winbind 
shadow: compat 
group: compat winbind
Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 4.16.47 PM.png

Restart Samba and Winbind.
sudo service smbd restart && sudo service winbind restart

Assuming those come up alright, let's join the domain:
net ads join -U username%password

Then test the join using:
net ads testjoin

Now let's test winbind:
wbinfo -u (This will list your AD users)
wbinfo -g (This will list your AD Groups)

:: Configure Single Sign-on (SSO)

Unfortunately SSO is not yet supported for Ubuntu Guests.It is currently supported with RHEL 6.6/6.7/6.8, CentOS 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, and SLED 11 SP3/SP4. As of Horizon 7.1, SSO is now supported with Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 16.06.

  1. Be sure you set winbind use default domain in your smb.conf to be true

  2. Follow the steps here to set this up for your supported distro.

:: Additional User Experience Tweaks

If you'd like to perform additional tweaks to the system like adjusting the launcher Icon sizes, Disable Shopping Suggestions, or customizing the theme, check out this post with lots of great tips and tricks. Note some items like default wallpaper will require additional default-user tweaking.

NOTE: The docs recommend using a gnome desktop session for increased performance.

Speaking of default user, we need to adjust the default login screen to allow domain users to enter their credentials, as well as ensure they get a profile upon logging in. I don't know why VMware docs fail to include any of this information. But if you don't follow these steps, your final desktop will have only two login options: the admin user you created, and Guest login. There won't be an option for domain users to login.

  1. To have every new user get a home directory upon logging in, have sudoer type:
    echo 'session required skel=/etc/skel/ umask=0022' >> /etc/pam.d/common-session
    Screen Shot 2016-09-28 at 2.37.46 PM.png

  2. To adjust the login screen to allow domain users, remove Guest login, and hide previously logged in accounts, have sudoer type:
    echo 'greeter-show-manual-login=true' >> /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-ubuntu.conf
    echo 'greeter-hide-users=true' >> /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-ubuntu.conf
    echo 'allow-guest=false' >> /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-ubuntu.conf
    Screen Shot 2016-09-28 at 12.02.10 PM.png

:: Install the Horizon Agent

  1. Download the appropriate Horizon Agent for Linux Installer

  2. Unpack the tarball
     tar -xzvf <horizon_agent_filename>

  3. Navigate to the extracted folder and run the shell script as super user
    sudo ./ -A yes

    1. NOTE: if you're upgrading the agent on an existing Horizon Linux VM, you don't have to uninstall the agent first. The installer will handle that for you.

    2. There are special parameters you can use on the install command. For example, if you are upgrading the agent on an existing Horizon Linux Desktop, etc. See the doc here for available commands.

:: Configure Options for Horizon Agent

The Horizon Agent configuration file allows us to make certain tweaks such as Build to Lossless, support left-handed mouse devices, specify max Blast bandwidth, etc. The list is available here. For the purpose of this article, the only option we will modify is the RunOnceScript since we're using Winbind. We'll need each clone to run the Domain Join command after being created.

  1. Create the script and place it /opt. I'm calling mine You'll also want to chmod 777 the file so there aren't any issues running the script later.

  2. Now modify /etc/vmware/viewagent-custom.conf to look like below. Be sure to uncomment the line, as well as the RunOnce Timeout if desired.
    Screen Shot 2016-09-28 at 1.33.25 PM.png

  3. For example Blast Settings, see the configurations here

  4. Unlike traditional Windows VDI desktops, the Linux Console is viewable from the vSphere Console, even when a user is logged in. To make the console blank when a user is logged in, you need to modify the Linux VM's VMX file by adding the line
    RemoteDisplay.maxConnections = "0"

  5. At this point, our Parent VM should be complete. You can shut it down and convert it to a Template, or clone it to a Template to be used in the section below.

:: Creating the Desktop Pool

Horizon 7.0.2+ now supports two methods for managing Linux Desktop Pools

  1. Manual Desktop Pool with vCenter VMs (similar to how we did in Horizon 6)

  2. Automated full-clone desktop pool

In this post, we'll use automated full-clone pools. Assuming you've been following along, our Parent image should be good to go with the necessary prerequisites. Now we need to create the customization spec in vCenter.

  1. In the vSphere Web Client,  go to Policies and Profiles > Customization Specification Manager

  2. Click Create a New Specification

  3. Select Linux as the Target OS

  4. Let's name this Linux_VDI_Custom_Spec 

  5. Complete the form as follows

    Target Virtual Machine OS
    Computer Name
    Use the Virtual Machine Name
    Specify the domain of the View environment
    Network Settings
    Use Standard Network Settings
    Specify DNS
    Enter a valid address

    Screen Shot 2016-09-28 at 10.24.47 AM.png

Now lets jump over to Horizon Administrator

  1. Catalog > Desktop Pools > Add

  2. Choose Automated Desktop Pool 

  3. Pick your assignment preference. I'll use Floating.

  4. Choose Full virtual machines

  5. Enter your Pool ID and Display Name. Mine will be Legion of Doom (to pair nicely with my Hall of Justice Instant Clone pool!)

  6. For Desktop Pool Settings, choose
       Default display protocol:  VMware Blast
       Allow users to chose protocol:  No
       3D Renderer:  Manage using vSphere Client for 2D (unless you've configured the VM for 3D graphics)
    Screen Shot 2016-09-28 at 10.31.12 AM.png

  7. For Provisioning Settings, specify the names manually

  8. Finish the rest of the prompts and review the Ready to Complete page. Check the box to Entitle Users after the wizard finishes, and click Finish

  9. At this point, you should see the VMs in vCenter and the cloning operation status. Horizon Administrator should also show the VMs as Provisioning

:: Verify all the things

  1. We want to make sure our RunOneScript worked. Verify with your Active Directory that the desktops were properly joined to the Domain. You should also see the DNS Name being reported in Horizon Administrator and showing Available

  2. Launch the Horizon Client and verify you can load the desktop and that it reads the new DNS name
    Screen Shot 2016-09-28 at 3.23.05 PM.png

  3. If your login changes from earlier were done correctly, we should be able to login as one of our domain users (username@domain).

Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 19, 2016

The new iPad Pro 9.7 vs iPad 3

I decided it was finally time. Time to replace the iPad 3 (arguably the worst iPad ever made) with the iPad Pro 9.7 (arguably the best iPad ever made). If you're considering a similar upgrade, I hope you find this post useful!

Anyone familiar with the iPad 3 has likely had a very similar experiences to mine - so I'll jump right into the things I noticed first when using the new iPad Pro.

:: Comparing the two

  1. It's incredibly light! The iPad 3 was so heavy, reading always required two hands to hold the tablet. Not very accommodating to extended reading sessions.

  2. The screen is worlds better. Way less reflection, and true tone is easy on the eyes. True Tone alone sold me on this device.

  3. Hey is that a lightning connection?

  4. Touch ID. Anyone else caught yourself trying to unlock your old iPad with touch ID after getting so used to it from your iPhone?

  5. Performance. I use my iPad for all sorts of different things: reading books, comic books, working remotely using things like Outlook, Horizon View, Office Suite, Socialcast - the iPad 3 just couldn't keep up with this type of use. It was essentially ok at doing one thing at a time (usually just reading, but even then sometimes iBooks would have a hard time keeping up with page turns and loading content). I used to cringe any time I tried web browsing on the iPad 3 because of how painfully slow it was. Loading up Safari on the iPad Pro is nothing short of a joy to use.

  6. iOS 10. The iPad 3 was left out of the iOS 10 club. Once you're cut off from Apple's updates, you slowly start to become cutoff from app updates as well. You're left behind in this outdated ecosystem and no one's sorry for you. iOS 10 on the iPad Pro makes the tablet much more convenient to use as an every day go-to device. Doesn't matter what the task at hand is, the iPad Pro can get it done in a snap.

  7. Speakers. Going from 1 speaker to 4 speakers means no more cupping the corner at full volume trying to sing along to Doc McStuffins with my daughter.

:: Other things I've noticed

  • I'm not sure why the iPad Pro is advertised as fingerprint-resistant. Mine gets plenty of finger prints all over and they're actually more difficult to wipe off than the iPad 3.

  • The lack of a dedicated Mute switch is a bit odd. I do miss being able to quickly mute all aspects of the device without having to interact with the software. I've noticed that even when I hold down the volume all the way to (what I thought was) mute the device, I could still hear clicking on the keyboard. I had to actually swipe up on Control Center and click the Mute Button to truly mute the iPad Pro.

  • Split Screen Multitasking sounds amazing, but in real world use it's taking me longer to get used to than I anticipated. Could be due to the fact that I forget it's even there since it's still such a new feature for me.

  • Picture-In-Picture is great, when the app supports it. So far I've found Netflix does, but Hulu doesn't.

It's a very welcome upgrade for my use. I can easily see myself traveling to a customer site or for vacation and bringing just the iPad Pro to handle any computing needs. Especially when paired with Horizon View and the Lighting to HDMI adapter.


Looking for more? Check out my pal Dale's iPhone 7 Review.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Horizon 7 version 7.0.2 Now Available

screen-shot-2016-09-15-at-11-23-34-amVMware Horizon 7.0.2 is here with a number of fixes and new features. I will document the upgrade process of my 7.0.0 lab in a separate post, including the Linux Desktops (which haven't been updated since the unmanaged process from Horizon 6) from unmanaged to managed desktops.

>>> Release Notes <<<
>>> Downloads <<<
>>> Official Announcement <<<

Horizon 7.0.2 Fixes

  • View Administrator displays the error "Unable to query the replication state of the server" regarding the replication status of a Connection Server machine. This problem is a display issue that occurs with non-EN language Connection Server machines.

  • The error message "No valid certificates were found on this smart card" appears on the Horizon Client for Windows, when you use a PIV smart card to authenticate to Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 R2 and above desktops that do not have middleware installed. This problem is resolved when you install Horizon Agent 7.0.2 in the remote desktops and enable Windows auto update to let Windows install the PIV smart card minidriver on both the Windows client and Horizon agent.

  • An error message appears when you run an executable (.exe) file that requires the administrator privilege from a network share folder on a physical workstation or virtual machine that has VMware View Persona Management version 6.2 installed.

  • The Horizon Administrator Web page shows a page cannot be displayed error if you install View Connection Server 7.0.1 with the FIPS mode enabled on any drive other than the C drive.

  • Windows 10 desktops that have Horizon 7.0 installed with View Persona Manager and some applications crash with a Blue Screen of Death.

  • Windows Media MMR does not work on Windows 10 desktops.

  • View Composer performs unsealed LDAP searches.

  • In Horizon Administrator, when you add an instant-clone domain administrator and then create an instant-clone desktop pool, some virtual machines in the instant-clone desktop pool might fail to clone.

  • In a Microsoft Network Load Balancer environment, an authentication error occurs when you use VMware Identity Manager to launch a remote desktop.

Horizon 7.0.2 New Features

  • VMware Blast policy
    View administrators can configure the H.264 Quality Blast policy settings to specify the image quality for the remote display configured to use H.264 encoding.

  • Client Drive Redirection
    For Horizon Client 4.2 or Horizon 7 version 7.0.2 or later, if VMware Blast Extreme is enabled, files and folders are transferred across a virtual channel with encryption.

  • Global data collected by VMware
    If you join the customer experience improvement program, VMware collects data aboutTrue SSO for the View environment.

  • Restrict remote desktop access outside the network
    View administrators can allow access to specific entitled users and groups from an external network while restricting access to other entitled users and groups.

  • Smart Cards for multiple user accounts
    In some environments, a user's smart card certificate can map to multiple Active Directory domain user accounts. A user might have multiple accounts with administrator privileges and needs to specify which account to use in the Username hint field during smart card login. To make the Username hint field appear on the Horizon Client login dialog box, the administrator must enable the smart card user name hints feature for the Connection Server instance in View Administrator. The smart card user can then enter a user name or UPN in the Username hint field during smart card login.

  • Remote desktop operating systems
    The following remote desktop operating systems are supported:

    • Windows 10 64-bit and 32-bit Enterprise and Professional; Build 1511

    • Windows 10 64-bit and 32-bit Enterprise Long Term Service Branch (LTSB); Fresh installation only; Build 1507

    • Windows 10 64-bit and 32-bit Anniversary Update; Fresh installation only; Tech preview only; Build 1607. Upgrade is not supported.

  • Windows Media Multimedia Redirection (MMR) operating systems
    The following Windows MMR operating systems are supported:

    • Windows 10

    • Windows Server 2016 is a tech preview feature

  • Windows registry keys for Flash Redirection
    View administrators can set requireIECompatibility=true to enable Flash Redirection for Web sites that support HTML5 by default. This parameter is not required for the YouTube Web site. In certain situations, setting appMode=0 can improve performance, and setting appMode=1 can result in a better user experience.

  • Horizon 7 for Linux desktops enhancements

    • Automated full-clone desktop pool

    • SSO for SLED 11 SP3 and SP4

    • Horizon Client 4.2.0 for Android



Horizon Client 4.2 Now Available

Screen Shot 2016-09-15 at 11.21.09 AM.pngThe bits for VMware Horizon View Client 4.2 have been released as well as all the accompanying documentation. This release is paired with Horizon 7 version 7.0.2 also released today (more posts coming soon for that!) Each major platform has its own release notes and features, so be sure to check out the notes pertaining to the systems of interest to you.

Here's what's new in each platform's 4.2 Horizon Client release:

Mac OS X

URL Content Redirection (Tech Preview)
An administrator can configure URL links that you click inside a remote desktop or application to open in the default browser on your client system. A link might be to a Web page, a phone number, an email address, or other type of link.

  • Exclusive modeWith Exclusive mode, the VMware Horizon Client menu bar and Dock do not appear when you move your cursor to the edges of the screen in a remote desktop.

  • Open recent desktops and applications
    You can now open remote desktops and applications from the Dock and from the Horizon Client File menu.

  • H.264 hardware decoding support
    Horizon Client for Mac OS X now supports H.264 hardware decoding as well as H.264 software decoding.

  • Username hint field support for smart card authentication
    Smart card users that use a single smart card certificate to authenticate to multiple user accounts can enter their user name in the Username hint field in the Horizon Client login dialog box during smart card sign-in. To make the Username hint field appear on the Horizon Client login dialog box, an administrator must enable the smart card user name hints feature for the Connection Server instance. This feature also requires Horizon 7 version 7.0.2.

  • Pass command-line arguments when launching a remote application from a URI
    You can use the args query to pass command-line arguments when you launch a remote application from a URI.

  • Spanish language support
    Both the Horizon Client for Mac OS X user interface and the documentation are now available in Spanish.

  • Real-Time Audio-Video for session-based desktops and remote applications
    The Real-Time Audio-Video feature is now supported with session-based desktops and remote applications. This feature also requires Horizon Agent 7.0.2 or later.

  • Windows Server 2016 support
    You can use Horizon Client for Mac OS X to connect to Windows Server 2016 single-user desktops and Windows Server 2016 session-based desktops and hosted applications. This feature also requires Horizon Agent 7.0.2 or later.


  • URI multiple instance support
    When you set the new useExisting query to false in a URI, multiple Horizon Client instances can run and users can connect to multiple servers at the same time.

  • Username hint field for smart card authentication
    Smart card users that use a single smart card certificate to authenticate to multiple user accounts can enter their user name in the Username hint field in the Horizon Client login dialog box during smart card sign-in. To make the Username hint field appear on the Horizon Client login dialog box, an administrator must enable the smart card user name hints feature for the Connection Server instance. This feature also requires Horizon 7 version 7.0.2.

  • Client drive redirection for USB storage
    You can now use the client drive redirection feature as well as USB redirection to share a USB storage device or a folder on a USB storage device.

  • Select multiple monitors when using VMware Blast
    You can now select mulitple monitors when using the VMware Blast display protocol as well as when using the PCoIP display protocol.

  • Spanish language support
    Both the Horizon Client for Linux user interface and the documentation are now available in Spanish.

  • Real-Time Audio-Video for session-based desktops and remote applications
    The Real-Time Audio-Video feature is now supported with session-based desktops and remote applications. This feature also requires Horizon Agent 7.0.2 or later.

  • Windows Server 2016 support
    You can use Horizon Client for Linux to connect to Windows Server 2016 single-user desktops and Windows Server 2016 session-based desktops and hosted applications. This feature also requires Horizon Agent 7.0.2 or later.


  • DPI Synchronization
    The DPI Synchronization feature ensures that the remote desktop's DPI setting matches the client machine's DPI setting for new remote sessions. This feature is enabled by default. An administrator can disable this feature by disabling the Horizon Agent DPI Synchronization group policy setting. For more information, see "Horizon Agent Configuration ADM Template Settings" in Setting Up Desktop and Application Pools in View.

  • Configure Real-Time Audio-Video settings in Horizon Client
    You can now select your preferred webcam and microphone in the Horizon Client Settings dialog box.

  • Physical client information is sent to remote desktops in a double-hop scenario
    If Horizon Client is running inside of a remote desktop session, it sends some physical client information (instead of virtual machine information) to the remote desktop. For information about the physical client information that Horizon Client sends to the second-hop desktop, see "Client System Information Sent to Remote Desktops" in Setting Up Desktop and Application Pools in View.

  • Username hint field support for smart card authentication
    Smart card users that use a single smart card certificate to authenticate to multiple user accounts can enter their user name in the Username hint field in the Horizon Client login dialog box during smart card sign-in. To make the Username hint field appear on the Horizon Client login dialog box, an administrator must enable the smart card user name hints feature for the Connection Server instance. This feature also requires Horizon 7 version 7.0.2.

  • Pass command-line arguments when launching a remote application from a URI
    You can use the args query to pass command-line arguments when you launch a remote application from a URI.

  • Spanish language support
    Both the Horizon Client for Windows user interface and the documentation are now available in Spanish.

  • Real-Time Audio-Video for session-based desktops and remote applications
    The Real-Time Audio-Video feature is now supported with session-based desktops and remote applications. This feature also requires Horizon Agent 7.0.2 or later.

  • Windows Server 2016 support
    You can use Horizon Client for Windows to connect to Windows Server 2016 single-user desktops and Windows Server 2016 session-based desktops and hosted applications. This feature also requires Horizon Agent 7.0.2 or later.

Windows 10 UWP

VMware Horizon Client for Windows 10 UWP makes it easy to access your Windows remote desktop and remote applications using the VMware Blast display protocol for the best possible user experience on the Local Area Network (LAN) or across a Wide Area Network (WAN).

  • Work the way you want to - Use your Windows 10 tablet or smartphone to work on a Windows-based remote desktop from any location. Support for the VMware Blast display protocol means that your desktop is fast and responsive, regardless of where you are.

  • Simple connectivity - Horizon Client is tightly integrated with Horizon 7 for simple setup and connectivity.

  • Multitasking - Switch between Horizon Client and other apps without losing a remote desktop or application connection.

  • Continuum for Windows 10 Mobile support - Use a Microsoft Display dock to connect your Windows 10 smartphone to an external display and mouse and use Horizon Client just as you would use it on a desktop PC.

  • Secure from any location - At your desk or away from the office, your data is always secure. Access your remote desktop over Wi-Fi or 3G. Your remote desktop is delivered securely to you wherever you are. Enhanced certificate checking is performed on the client. The client app also supports RSA SecurID authentication.

Chrome OS

  • Spanish language support
    Both the Horizon Client for Chrome OS user interface and the documentation are now available in Spanish.

  • Windows Server 2016 support
    You can use Horizon Client for Chrome OS to connect to Windows Server 2016 single-user desktops and Windows Server 2016 session-based desktops and hosted applications. This feature also requires Horizon Agent 7.0.2 or later.


  • iOS 10 supportYou can install Horizon Client for iOS on an iOS 10 device.

  • Swiftpoint GT Mouse support
    You can use the Swiftpoint GT Mouse with Horizon Client for iOS.

  • Rich Text Format (RTF) support when copying and pasting data
    You can now copy and paste text Rich Text Format (RTF) data between your iOS device and remote desktops and applications.

  • Sensitive information is hidden on external displays and projectors
    When you use Horizon Client for iOS with an external display or projector, sensitive information, such as passwords and passcodes, is automatically hidden to protect user data security.

  • Select a display protocol on the Settings page
    You now tap Settings at the bottom of the Horizon Client for iOS screen and tap Preferred Protocol to select a display protocol.

  • Spanish language support
    Both the Horizon Client for iOS user interface and the documentation are now available in Spanish.

  • Windows Server 2016 support
    You can use Horizon Client for iOS to connect to Windows Server 2016 single-user desktops and Windows Server 2016 session-based desktops and hosted applications. This feature also requires Horizon Agent 7.0.2 or later.


  • Android 7 (Nougat) supportYou can install Horizon Client for Android on an Android 7 (Nougat) device. You can use split-screen mode with Horizon Client for Android on an Android 7 (Nougat) device. Horizon Client for Android does not support picture-in-picture mode.

  • Spanish language support
    Both the Horizon Client for Android user interface and the documentation are now available in Spanish.

  • Linux desktop support
    Your can now use Horizon Client for Android to connect to Linux remote desktops.

  • Root detection and evasion
    Horizon Client for Android does not launch if it detects that the client device has been rooted.

  • Windows Server 2016 support
    You can use Horizon Client for Android to connect to Windows Server 2016 single-user desktops and Windows Server 2016 session-based desktops and hosted applications. This feature also requires Horizon Agent 7.0.2 or later.
