Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Horizon Linux VM (pre-packaged) [Updated]

I'm excited to share what I've been working on the last several weeks. Recently I posted over on my Github a new project I'm working called Horizon Linux VM. It's a pre-packaged Ubuntu OVA that automates most of the customization and configuration needed for a Linux Desktop Template to be used in a VMware Horizon 7 environment. The project is now an official VMware Fling. 

Check out the Ubuntu OVA for Horizon on VMware Flings

In short, it's an OVA built from Ubuntu's mini.iso (to keep footprint down) that has the below key features (full changelog available on Github)

  • Built from Ubuntu’s mini.iso for a minimal footprint

  • Installs the MATE desktop environment

  • Downloads and installs the latest Open VM Tools packages

  • Installs Horizon Agent dependencies

  • Installs Winbind (optional)

  • Configures krb5.conf

  • Configures smb.conf

  • Joins the domain (optional)

  • Optimizes login screen for VDI


  1. GREAT idea. I'd love to try, but the OVA download doesn't seem to be accessible :/

  2. Thanks Michal! My ISP has been down since Thursday evening! Sorry for not having it accessible right now. Watch my twitter account for updates when it's available again.

  3. Hi Michal, the download should now be available again. Let me know how it goes!

  4. […] Interested in a pre-packaged Ubuntu OVA for Horizon 7? See my latest project here! […]
