Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Running the VMware Horizon View Client 3.2 in Ubuntu (and Ubuntu derivatives)

Have you ever felt like a Linux user in a Windows VDI world? You're not alone!

Any Linux fans that are familiar with the world of VDI know that the VMware View Client for Linux has appeared stuck at version 2.2 for what seems like forever. Then in December of 2014, we were given a lovely gift: the Horizon Client for Linux version 3.2.

In your excitement you download the client, open up your terminal, run the installer and launch the new release only to find your system has missing requirements. In the Users Guide for the 3.2 client, you'll find a laundry list of system requirements and pre-requisites. The trickiest of all being the OpenSSL requirements (not to mention 64-bit systems aren't supported).

This post will walk you through getting past the system requirements and getting the 3.2 Client up and running on your Ubuntu (or similar) system.

In this article, I will be installing the client on Linux Mint 17.1 x64, but please be aware that VMware will not support the Horizon View Client outside of the system requirements outlined in the Users Guide.

  1. Download the .bundle from VMware here

  2. Run the installer by typing  sudo sh ./file_name

  3. This should launch the GUI installer. Accept the EULA

  4. Configure your desired settings and verify the installation was successful

Hooray! You should be done right? Well most likely you may run into issues once you click that Scan button. You'll find that you pretty much bombed your mid-term:

Not to worry though, this is very simple to fix!

Now for my purposes, the only lib files I care about are and I won't be using USB redirection or RTAV. What we need to do is create symbolic links between the 1.0.0 versions that I have installed, with the 1.0.1 naming that the Horizon Client wants to use. Let's start by finding where our current files live

  1. Use the find command to locate your libcrypto and libssl files

    sudo find / -iname libssl*

  2. Once you have the full paths of the files, create your symbolic links using

    sudo ln -s source_file destination_file

  3. Now re-run your Scan test - you should find the appropriate files are now back on track to walk at graduation!

And congratulations are in order! You should now have a functioning 3.2 Horizon Client. You may see a dialog that reads:

VMware Horizon Client requires openssl-1.0.1i or above. But 1.0.1f seems to be installed on your system. This discrepancy could result in unexpected problems or even security leaks. Contact your administrator for more information.

Since you're using your system's openssl lib files, any system updates that affect these files shouldn't break compatibility - however if openssl gets updated later on, you'll likely need to update your symlinks to reflect the updated lib versions.

Now go get some work done!



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